MC Blogs

Insights from Head of Coaching

6.16.22 How to Master Effective Workplace Communication

6.16.22 How to Master Effective Workplace Communication

Dear Students,

How many times have you wondered what it might be like to actually interact with Westerners in your first job? Or perhaps you’re not really even sure how you’d be able to contribute to the daily chit-chat of a global company workplace. You may even have heard that fellow students struggle, particularly during their first professional role or two, with learning how to “manage upward,” or to “manage their boss,” through appropriate communication.

Today’s article highlights the importance of both of these “competencies” to successfully contributing to and advancing in a global company. What’s key is to learn that a majority of Western companies actually prefer that their executives and managers communicate potential challenges, including mistakes, misunderstandings, etc., as soon as possible, rather than “sweeping these under the rug” and hoping that deeper issues will not surface later. The sooner you gain this insight, build the skills and courage to do so and begin to operate in this spirit, the more respect and responsibility will likely come your way.

Our Mandarin Consulting coaches are fortunate to be able to leverage extensive experience in collaborating with a wide variety of individuals over many years, and in numerous leading global company environments, to support you in developing the skills needed to successfully do so.