MC Blogs

Insights from Head of Coaching

6.8.22 On the Value of Mindsets in Leadership, from Dr. Ryan Gottfredson in Harvard Business Review

6.8.22 On the Value of Mindsets in Leadership, from Dr. Ryan Gottfredson in Harvard Business Review

Dear Students,

Since you’re likely an aspiring global business leader, the attached article, co-written by Dr. Ryan Gottfredson, may prove valuable to you. How so? By helping to build you self-awareness and potentially also to challenge some of your prior beliefs about both yourself and your professional colleagues.

While we’ve previously addressed the importance of having a continuous “learning” mindset in this space, developing what Dr. Gottfredson terms “growth,” “deliberative” or “promotion” mindsets is equally valuable to understand. Dr. Gottfredson shared his (free) Personal Mindset Assessment tool (below) with you during a discussion with us today, to help you to learn more about your current mindsets, after which time you can partner with a coach to identify areas for growth/development. Doing so can help to you to progress toward adopting mindsets associated with “…leaders’ ability to engage with others, navigate change more successfully, and perform in their leadership roles more effectively.”

Here’s the link to the tool, which takes only 5 minutes (which is quite user-friendly and spits out an immediate assessment!):, in case you’d like to take it.

Also check out Dr. Gottfredson’s first book, “Success Mindsets,” here: He has a second one due out in October 2022 called “The Elevated Leader,” as well.