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Insights from Head of Coaching

10.17.22 Today’s Insights from Motivational Public Speaker and Author of 80 Books, Brian Tracy

10.17.22 Today’s Insights from Motivational Public Speaker and Author of 80 Books, Brian Tracy
Dear Students,
One lifelong skill you must continue to hone is the ability to build relationships through networking. While doing so (unfortunately) does not come with a simple set of instructions to master and memorize, there are certainly key principles (for example, the concept of mutual benefit) underlying doing so successfully. While you may not realize this, you too, have helpful information to share with professionals you encounter (on or offline), whether it’s a tip for a new vacation destination or experience using an innovative software package.
In the comprehensive article below, Brian Tracy, self-development author of over 80 books translated into dozens of languages, provides some excellent insights about why, how and where to network effectively. Since you will find such skills to be helpful throughout your career, both internally (within a company) and externally (for example, within their industry and/or geography), it’s valuable to learn to leverage them not only on your own behalf, but also to the benefit of your Western employers.
One caveat about the statistics listed – for entry-level (and especially international) students like you, a much lower percentage of opportunities may come through networking relationships, simply because you have not yet had time to develop these relationships nor had the chance to prove yourself and develop a professional reputation.
Please note that some of the suggestions for “in-person” networking can be adapted to virtual networking, as well.