9.14.22 Today’s Learning from Inc. Magazine: Creating Closure/Managing Timing Expectations

Dear Students,
While Adam Grant (TEDx speaker, best-selling author and Wharton Psychology professor) requires no introduction, you might be a little surprised to see him quoted on the seemingly mundane concept of email.
However, a main point in the eye-opening article below is that we can all benefit from being as clear as possible in defining and communicating our expectations concerning communication follow-up. As a Chinese, you may, at times, hesitate at times to “pin” down details for follow-up communications, visits, etc.
Nonetheless, it’s critical to do so, in the interest of managing expectations, a global commercial best practice. Despite what some young professionals may fear, asking for “closure,” in a polite, professional way, is perceived as neither pushy nor aggressive. On the contrary, the impression generated by doing so is that of a confident, organized project contributor. As we in the West know, this is called being “assertive.” Agreeing on the delivery or completion date of a project etc. frees you up to focus on other activities, while feeling a sense of “trust” in knowing that both parties are on the same page.
As many of you have been culturally groomed to be a bit more indirect, vague, or circuitous in such interactions, you can greatly benefit from Mandarin Consulting coaching to learn how to build and execute the valuable skills Dr. Grant mentions in this piece.
Such skills, both verbal and written, are critical to your success in a global environment.