02.08.2023 Today’s Insights on Careers combining Psychology and Science, from a Roundup of Sources

Dear Students,
While formally majoring in other fields, many of you have informally expressed interest in the “scientific study of the mind and behavior,” better known as psychology (definition from SimplyPsychology.com) during coaching sessions.
Fortunately for those of you who want to make studying such subjects more than a hobby, it’s good to be aware that many psychology careers are, in fact, STEM-eligible. (For more detail on this point, please see: https://lerna.courses/is-psychology-a-stem-major-science-vs-social-science/) This is unsurprising, given that Sigmund Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) concluded, “The entire field of psychology may reduce to electric biochemistry.” Researchers continue to explore the complex relationship between our minds and bodies.
For new grads like you who find yourselves transfixed by the inner workings of the human mind, and who would like this arena to be your professional focus, there are many individual options to consider. Although it may be helpful to have majored in psychology to embark on one of these paths, this is not always required. For a very comprehensive range of psychology career options, please see: https://www.verywellmind.com/a-list-of-psychology-careers-2794917
And what if an aspiring professional like you does not want to become a psychologist, per se, yet still seeks to explore these psychological concepts at work? There’s actually an intriguing new field called cyberpsychology! Psychology Today defines cyberpsychology as “the discipline of understanding the psychological processes related to, and underlying, all aspects and features of technologically interconnected human behavior.” According to Norfolk State University, cyberpsychology “exists at the intersection of human interactions with computers, computer science, engineering and psychology, and is used in sectors as diverse as education, communications, law, healthcare and medicine, workplace dynamics and digital security.”
Here’s more on the NSU program, for interested readers: https://online.nsu.edu/degrees/technology/master-of-science-cyberpsychology/combining-psychology-with-technology/#:~:text=Psychology%20Today%20defines%20cyberpsychology%20as,of%20technologically%20interconnected%20human%20behavior.%E2%80%9D
For bright college students (yes, you!) with a passion for combining psychology specifically with computer science, additional perspective can be found here: https://techwithtech.com/psychology-computer-science-combined-careers/
To launch and prosper in such psychologically-related careers, it’s evident that many “human” capabilities play a critical role in building a successful career. Key competencies for all of these career directions thus include the power skills of:
- Communication (written and verbal), including listening
- Analytical and problem-solving
- Resilience, since resolving human issues can take time and patience
- Ability to work with a diverse array of individuals
- Comfort with ambiguity, and a willingness to be wrong
- A “continuous learning” orientation, as new research and ideas emerge frequently
- Self-awareness, as a precursor to awareness of others
And many more.
Candidates at Mandarin Consulting are fortunate to be coached by Western professionals experienced in heightening your sensitivities to these important competencies and in coaching you on ways to implement them within your own life.