MC Blogs

Insights from Head of Coaching

04.05.2024 Today’s Insights from Harvard Business Review: Discuss Work Styles Before Collaborating with Someone

04.05.2024 Today’s Insights from Harvard Business Review: Discuss Work Styles Before Collaborating with Someone

Dear Students,

Let’s build on yesterday’s theme of open communication as a key competency for the global workplace. At the most basic level, ambitious international students like you need to recognize that effective communication will drive your advancement (or lack thereof) in a Western environment.
While sensing this, some young professionals (although hopefully not you or your friends!) nonetheless incorrectly assume that it’s best to communicate (or initiate communication) with “higher-ups”/manager(s) only when an issue or problem needs to be addressed, during an annual review or in weekly “boss-scheduled” check-in meetings. Executive Coach Anke Thiele is spot-on, however, in advocating for the many, proven benefits of “pre-work” communication, within the HBR article below.

Our coaches want to help candidates like you to leverage Thiele’s perspectives and tips, informed by her MBA in International Management, and as a leadership consultant to companies like Google, to proactively set the groundwork for successful collaborations and partnerships, multiple promotions and career fulfillment through teaming with others!
Enjoy your weekend, whatever your preferred style of “work” or “play”!