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Insights from Head of Coaching

30.05.2024 Today’s Insights from Fortune and LinkedIn: Power skills for AI, and Powerful AI Courses

30.05.2024 Today’s Insights from Fortune and LinkedIn: Power skills for AI, and Powerful AI Courses
Dear Students,
Rather than continuing to feel confused or about what to do this summer, if you are still seeking an internship or first role, why not seize the opportunity to undertake one or more free online AI courses? If you do so, there’s no question that any related learning will come in handy, through gaining knowledge that will differentiate you from peers when you start the new academic year or enter the workforce. Please see below for details:

At the same time, our coaches want to ensure that ambitious international students, like you, come to recognize, through coaching, that such technical information will take you only so far in succeeding on academic teams and being sought after for company projects. Per LinkedIn,, it’s essential that aspiring professionals (like you and your friends) grasp not only that AI is simply another tool that can be wielded for data analysis and/or increasing efficiency, but also one which must be used appropriately, and in the right ways, to add value within a corporation. That means you applying AI techniques and concepts with core power skills, including those mentioned in the article, in mind.
Essentially, our team would like you to realize that AI is “a means to an end,” rather than an end in itself. For those of you who are planning global leadership roles, this mindset will be critical to your success, and the sooner you can adopt this perspective, the sooner you will benefit.
Enjoy your evening.