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Insights from Head of Coaching

18.07.2024 Today’s Insights from Vault: 8 Tips for Finishing an Internship on A High Note

18.07.2024  Today’s Insights from Vault: 8 Tips for Finishing an Internship on A High Note
Dear Students,
Might any of you have an internship that is wrapping up soon? While this may seem hard to believe – as others amongst you may have just started yours – we know of several candidates whose summer employment end date coincides with the close of this month.
And why wait until the end of an internship, anyway, to maximize the opportunity it represents for your future? In this actionable piece from Vault, editor Rob Porter highlights valuable steps for aspiring international talent like you to extract – and obtain – everything you can from your summer 2024 experience.
What’s great about this article? Many of the steps coincide with practices and activities our MCI coaches do on a regular basis, such as promoting self-reflection, taking initiative (for example, for you to request a recommendation) and periodically polishing your communications – including through resume updates – while partnering with our coaches.
To add several additional suggestions, our coaches advise young professionals like you to also capitalize on the opportunity to secure a LinkedIn recommendation, while your contributions are still fresh in your employer’s mind. If the experience was mutually positive, why not even politely ask if your supervisor, skip-level manager, or dotted line manager might be open to serving as a reference for next year’s internship – or a graduate’s first full-time role – as well? As powerfully admitted by hockey star Wayne Gretsky (although Michael Jordan sometimes gets the credit), “I miss 100% of the shots I don’t take!”
Wishing you the confidence, creativity and courage to leverage what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown and who you’ve become during the Summer of 2024, in the final weeks of your internship.