25.09.2024 Today’s Insights from the US Department of Labor Statistics and Forbes Magazine

Dear Students,
Could you have guessed that the #1 fastest-growing career in the US is being a Wind Turbine Technician? Or, for that matter, that #2 on the list below is being a Solar Photovoltaic Installer? Yet, even if you don’t choose to pursue one of these two intriguing “outdoor” fields, it’s clear from the list below that quite a few professional trajectories are expected to show – and are experiencing – tremendous growth, from 2023-2033.
Beyond these first two career paths, what’s most apparent from the other 18 career types listed? They are predominantly what could be called “helping” professions, meaning that they help others to solve problems, often very personal challenges, including, for example, those relating to health, the health of their “extended” (furry) family and money.
Given the sensitivity of such topics, what does it take for an ambitious international student (like you!) to enter and advance within such arenas? Beyond the requisite “hard” skills, new grads like you and your friends must bring to bear a wide range of power skills, all of which you will fortunately learn in our program, including:
Communication (both written and verbal)
Influence and Persuasion
Detail orientation
Continuous learning orientation
Long-term perspective
…and many others
In this spirit, our coaches work diligently together to ensure that eager young professionals, including you and your friends, stay grounded in the development of personal and interpersonal “human” skills, despite the media hype around AI and its growing contributions to business efficiency.
As Josh Bersin* put it so profoundly in the article below,
“Hard skills are soft (they change all the time, are constantly being obsoleted, and are relatively easy to learn), and soft skills are hard (they are difficult to build, critical, and take extreme effort to obtain).”
Wishing you an evening with a minimum of “human problems” to solve!
*For more on thought-leader Josh Bersin, please see:https://wikitia.com/wiki/Josh_Bersin