02.10.2024 Today’s Insights from Fast Company on LinkedIn: Train Your Brian to Make Better Decisions

Dear Students,
Do any of you, as ambitious international students, not want to make better decisions? We doubt it!
The short article below includes some interesting and actionable tips, which are especially timely during the busy back-to-school season, for doing so.
A few of our favorites, which reflect essential Western Power Skills:
At MCI, we coach students like you about the concepts of exploration vs exploitation: For example, when should candidates like you use curiosity/inquisitiveness, agility, listening, continuous learning and potentially even risk-taking skills to learn new ideas? Conversely, when should you leverage your existing analytical, critical thinking, self-awareness and self-reflection abilities to create impact, whether you’re in an academic or professional setting?
How many of you, as aspiring professionals, know that your brain (like your heart) works in cycles? And, even if you do, it’s unlikely you knew that 90-minute periods represent the sweet spot for a brain break. To adapt your current rhythms (which may include multi-hour study blocks!), though, you must be open to embracing the uncertainty of change, requiring a strong level of motivation, time management, organizational skills and patience, as you gradually incorporate new behaviors (and we know that research shows that change, even if positive, can be challenging for us all).
Dimming the lights is an intriguing, yet powerful concept. How so? It can help academically pressured young talent (like you and your friends!) to quiet your mind(s), tap into your own emotions via mindfulness, to manage stress, decompress from the intensity of your social media-driven life, and help reinforce your resilience. Performing this action (and similar steps) can even build self-confidence and foster determination to achieve your goals.
In this spirit, wishing you an evening of wonderfully made decisions!