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Insights from Head of Coaching

03.10.2024 Today’s Insights on the Power of Research Skills, from Immerse.Education

03.10.2024 Today’s Insights on the Power of Research Skills, from Immerse.Education
Dear Students,
How excited would you be if we asked you to “do some research?” Especially on a topic that did not particularly interest you? On their own, research skills don’t sound very exciting. An ambitious international student like you might ask, “What is research, anyway? I just look stuff up, on Google or ChatGPT, right?” And “yes,” we might reply, “that’s certainly part of it. But it’s only the start. It’s how and what you think about, organize, analyze and do with it, that counts!”
The benefits of research, as shown below, extend far beyond simply looking for data or information in response to a question. And strong research abilities can be useful in many more situations than a Finance or Marketing class project. This article makes a strong case for research as a precursor to a myriad of other power skills that are critical for young talent, like you and your friends, to succeed in launching – and advancing – your careers.
As many aspiring professionals like you learn in coaching, well-honed research competency is extremely useful in preparing for interviews, not to mention on-the-job. From its first recorded use in 1577, the term “research” (originally meaning “to go seeking“) has played an essential role in modern society, as life is an ongoing quest or journey.
Read through our guide for some top tips and guidance on developing your research skills and how they will benefit your academic path.
Our coaches would like to remind dedicated students and grads like you and your peers about the value of “continually seeking,” whether we call this curiosity, inquisitiveness or continuous learning, all of which will be of tremendous value to you, both personally and professionally.
Here’s to seeking out a restful evening, hopefully without too much research needed.