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05.10.2024 Today’s Insights from Richard Branson in Which Small Habit Distinguishes Exceptional Performers?

05.10.2024 Today’s Insights from Richard Branson in Which Small Habit Distinguishes Exceptional Performers?
Dear Students,
It’s not really surprising that an accomplished professional like Richard Branson, billionaire and “English business magnate” (according to Wikipedia) believes that “Exceptional performance isn’t all about daring and innovation. Much of the time it’s about consistency and follow-through.” What some ambitious international students (maybe even you!) might find to be more intriguing, though, is his perspective that “Exceptional performers always take notes.”
The knighted co-founder of Virgin Group, who knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur at the age of 16, yet has dyslexia, is humble, however, on his ability to recall information, a critical competency as a lover of learning. “I can never understand how people can have a meeting with somebody and not take notes,” the roller-coaster careering Branson has said, as he sees note-taking to be a sign of emotional intelligence (representing that cluster of power skills that accounts for a great deal of young professionals’ career success.)
In other words, note-taking, considered essential by Branson, Bill Gates, JK Rowling (and yes, even Taylor Swift, who apparently does it auditorily, perhaps while petting her cats?) is a technique that can easily distinguish candidates like you from your peers, in demonstrating listening skills, collaboration, patience, curiosity, a strategic mindset and many other relationship-building competencies.
So, as people used to say, perhaps it’s “something to write home about” for aspiring talent like you to start jotting down notes in your meetings, whether these take place in class, within diverse project teams or on-the-job.
Have a “noteworthy” weekend!