17.10.2024 Today’s Insights on the Proven Value of Strong English Skills, from Pearson and Promova

Dear Students,
We’d like to begin by showering you, our ambitious international students, with congratulations, as most of you have undertaken the amazing and courageous journey to travel abroad to study in the US. Along with enthusiasm, dedication to academics and a dream of building a global career, most of you also bring at least a moderate level of fluency in English. Typically, as with many foreign languages, a majority of you have stronger skills in understanding, rather than speaking, along with more robust competency in reading vs. writing.
There’s no question, as shown in this article: https://plc.pearson.com/en-GB/news-and-insights/news/english-skills-have-life-changing-impact-are-seen-key-unlocking-higher-pay, that well-honed English facility is one key to successful career-building, both financially and non-financially.
In addition to the wide range of power skills fostering fulfilling international careers, and all other things being equal, aspiring professionals (yes, you!) with greater English communication skills are more likely to be hired over those of you who may still struggle to communicate with confidence, impact and consistent accuracy. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve your linguistic prowess – yet, doing so begins you demonstrating a continuous-learning mindset and the realization that one/more of the four elements of language fluency noted above could benefit from intentional guidance.
So, why not initiate an honest conversation with your coach about how your English skills, confidence and/or knowledge could be stronger? Most likely, s/he will seek to influence you to put in the effort to become an outstanding communicator. Some good news: If you do so, the fruits of your labor will soon become obvious, in a myriad of ways. We can suggest this article to you https://promova.com/blog/english-at-workplace, which shows some great examples of Western business-related terminology that young talents like you and your friends will likely find extremely helpful.
While building proficiency in a foreign language is indeed “a journey of 1,000 miles,” candidates like you have already taken many of the first steps along the way. It’s that “polishing” that will really set each of you apart from your peers, within networking, interviewing, cover letters, LinkedIn and on-the-job, and especially in optimizing that all-important “first impression.”
Wishing you a well-spoken evening!