23.10.2024 Today’s Insights into the Convergence Between Art Careers and AI – Creating Synergistic Effects

Dear Students,
With the increasing number of MCI candidates (that could well mean you!) pursuing art-related career fields, it’s time for us to examine how AI is impacting these professional pathways, (yet not from an “AI is going to make me irrelevant!” perspective.)
In the essay below, Bernard Marr, internationally best-selling author of 20+ books, world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in business and technology, shares in Forbes how AI can support the art-related careers ambitious international students like you and your friends are pursuing, rather than creating a zero-sum relationship between the two.
While Generative AI, in particular, is already reshaping the roles of artists and designers, there are definitely some potential benefits to this interplay, including, as Marr specifies:
Increased productivity and efficiency
Enhanced creativity
New forms of collaborative art and design
What are the keys to your extracting and leveraging such benefits? Timely use and application of a range of power skills, including those relating to working with and through others, like collaboration, communication skills (both written and verbal), thoughtful listening, influencing skills, persuasion and adaptability. Yet, on the front end, candidates like you, who’ll succeed in building successful global creative careers, will also tap into abilities that help to define a desired creative outcome, clarify one or more paths and identify obstacles and challenges en route, including: analytical skills, critical thinking, non-linear approaches, problem-solving, and curiosity.
As taught in the world of improv*, our coaches are eager to help young professionals like you, who are passionate about artistic careers, to view AI as a “yes, and” as opposed to a “yes, but.” Essentially, we’d like to help you to move from a “scarcity” or “either-or” mindset to one of “abundance,” regarding AI as yet another clever tool in your toolkit that can be deftly wielded for maximum advantage.
*P.S. For more on the valuable concept of “Yes, and” vs “Yes, but”, please check out: https://www.td.org/content/atd-blog/leadership-improv-use-yes-and-never-yes-but
P.P.S. For more ideas on how AI can enhance the creative process, please see: https://www.sps.nyu.edu/homepage/emerging-technologies-collaborative/blog/2023/embracing-creativity-how-ai-can-enhance-the-creative-process.html