18.01.2025 Today’s Insights from Forbes – How to Perform at Your Best During Pivotal Life Moments

Dear Students,
According to best-selling author and tri-cultural leader Kazuyoshi Hisano, “The first time you do something is always the hardest.” The Tokyo-based CEO coach and MBA graduate of an international program reputed to be among the top 2% globally should know. He coaches not only senior executives, but also high-performing athletes and “others who are used to performing under pressure,” sharing his wisdom, which is highly applicable to aspiring professionals like you, inside the Forbes article below.
Courage. There is a powerful word in Japanese, tanryoku, that is difficult to express in English.It roughly translates to the mental strength needed to face a challenge without fear or anxiety …
Within this piece, Hisano (a Gen-Xer brought up in London and San Francisco), and who “gained [early] experience at large foreign-affiliated companies,” before starting his own business, highlights three qualities (aka “competencies”) and three strategies that ambitious international students like you can develop and hone to perform most effectively during your key life moments (whether professional or personal). To no one’s surprise, MCI coaching can support you in such learning.
While some of Hisano’s advice may feel straightforward and intuitive, one point deserves special attention: the importance of your choosing an activity (wherever possible) that is conducive to promoting “flow,” or “being in your zone.” Doing so means leveraging a keen sense of self-awareness, born of self-reflection, to correctly identify which types of challenges may represent a bit of a stretch, but not so much that intimidation kicks in and “floods” your body with fear.
In a LinkedIn post (found below), Hisano freely encourages young talent like you and your friends to use affirmations to bolster your self-confidence, an effort that can be especially challenging for a student or new grad – which could be you – (even if you are bright, academically-strong and motivated). In Hisano’s own words, “Speak to yourself positively and affirm your abilities. For instance, I began by telling myself, ‘I’m a good coach,’ even when I had only coached a few people. Eventually, I expanded it to ‘I’m a great coach,’ and now, I confidently say I’m one of the greatest coaches in history.”
Indeed, these are inspirational phrases from an accomplished professional who is also a humanitarian, reminiscent of Martin Luther King Jr., who we remember on Monday, living the values of giving back, and courage, that we can all admire and seek to emulate.
Wishing you a confident and “well-inspired” weekend!
Want to learn more about Kazuyoshi Hisano? Please see below: