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09.08.2024 Today’s Insights from PwC, Vault and TimesofIndia on Great Careers for Gamers

09.08.2024 Today’s Insights from PwC, Vault and TimesofIndia on Great Careers for Gamers
Dear  Students,
How many of you are impassioned gamers? Ambitious, well-educated international students planning global careers, who nonetheless spend hours or more at a time playing video games? (I personally know of at least two of you who fit this description!).
Some great news: It’s not as crazy as some Gen X or Boomer folks around you may think to actually build a career in this space! In fact, Bureau of Labor Statistics market researchers project the global video game industry to grow by 73.8% from 2020-2027. What other career has seen that level of increase in recent years?! Forbes, for its part, also forecasts the industry to be worth $312B by 2027.
For details on the trends driving this skyrocketing demand, including the prevalence of “gametech innovators,” please see:
And, for those of you who simply hope to establish a substantial career within the gaming space, check out the following articles:
Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or a tech enthusiast, you might be interested in a career in video games. Here are some high-paying jobs to check out.
If a new grad like you or your friends is eager to parlay your pastime into more than a passing hobby, why not consider one of these options? Based on the pieces above, students like you can now confidently tell your parents that you are no longer “just playing” when you seek out roles within the gaming space.
Here’s to a fun and engaging evening, whatever form(s) of “play” you prefer.