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15.05.2023 Today’s International Inspiration from Ziprecruiter: Careers in Global Trade

15.05.2023 Today’s International Inspiration from Ziprecruiter: Careers in Global Trade
Dear Students,
Might a career in global trade entice you or your friends? It could, according to GlobalTradeCareers, if you want “to explore new cultures and markets and travel to new and exciting places. And because so many products depend on trade, there are many opportunities to work with products and services [you] are passionate about.”
International trade, of course, “allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise might not have been available domestically.” Wikipedia adds that such commerce makes markets more competitive and brings, to no surprise, expanded revenue to ambitious, growing firms. Also called “import/export,” global trade is an intellectually-challenging, complex field that incorporates concepts relating to economics (supply and demand), marketing, finance and operations. Additionally, global trade increasingly involves attending to legal, political and IT considerations and even an understanding of organizational behavior.
Ambitious international students like you may be a great fit for careers in the global trade space (a field which began in the 15th Century “Age of Discovery,” according to the World Economic Forum) with your bicultural experience and bilingual capability as an excellent starting point. Beyond global compliance, global finance, global marketing or global merchandising, additional directions include the research, strategy and consultancy “points of entry” (pun intended). Global trade is everywhere.
Aspiring professionals like you, who are seeking to build long-term careers in the global trade space, must also acquire a host of “power skills,” though, since you would be dealing with not only calculations and logistics but with a variety of people. Since your colleagues, clients and negotiating partners might come from vastly differing cultures, with extremely diverse standard business practices, and sometimes values and ethics, new hires’ open-mindedness, curiosity, learning orientation, flexibility and agility are key. Successful candidates like you will also need strong communication skills, both written and verbal, an ability to remain calm under pressure, a bit of empathy for all and even a sense of humor, to keep potentially-intense situations manageable within a team.
Aspiring global trade professionals like you must also hone analytical and critical thinking skills, while learning to solve a range of intriguing issues. It’s an interesting time to enter this field, which is on the recovery from the pandemic, and about which the World Trade Organization asserts that “World merchandise trade volume is projected to grow 1.7% in 2023, before picking up to 3.2% in 2024.”
For bright international students like you, who can develop the essential “power skills” noted above through our Mandarin Consulting coaching, your own research and our joint collaborative practice (and who can do so while leveraging their already strong academic knowledge), international trade may be just “the ticket” for you!
Here’s to “importing” some rest into your evening!