12.04.2024 Today’s Insights – and Inspiration – from Inc.com – Successful Leadership Principles from Deepak Chopra
Dear Students,
Following the bouncing ball from yesterday’s article on leadership, today’s piece features wisdom from Deepak Chopra, prominent Indian-American and New-Age thinker, “whose books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine,” according to Wikipedia. Below, the New York Times bestselling author highlights his definition of the elusive concept of “luck” as “preparation” meeting “opportunity.”
“Why study ‘luck’?,” a young professional like you might ask. Because Chopra queried “countless leaders about the reason for their success, and they all said ‘I was lucky.'”
Chopra, after deep reflection, began to view success through a more nuanced lens, eventually creating an easy-to-remember acronym for his own formula, which provides valuable insight for you, and for every ambitious international student. As described in Inc.com, the acronym is ‘LEADERS.’ Perhaps even more significantly, Chopra recommends that everyone – which would include aspiring talent like you and your friends – starts your day by asking yourself four important questions, which he lays out in the article. Such queries can foster powerful self-awareness and self-reflection for candidates like you, while instilling an abundance mindset.
At the 2023 Inc. 5000 Conference, the alternative medicine advocate, coach, doctor, author, and speaker shared his advice for leaders — and spoke about the importance of being prepared.
In this spirit, here’s wishing you a “lucky” weekend, where your preparation meets wonderful opportunity!