19.04.2024 Today’s Insights on Conflict – and Tips for Peacemaking – from HR Thought Leader Dave Ulrich, in LinkedIn

Dear Students,
Let’s discuss the elephant in the room: conflict.
No one likes it, and ambitious international students (yes, like you!) may try to avoid it, but it’s there. Any candidate who reads the news (and you all should, right?) is aware of major conflicts around the world today. Yet conflict isn’t simply “far away,” as in the Middle East or Ukraine – everyone confronts it, to a degree, during day-to-day life.
And while those of you raised in “harmony-promoting” cultures may find the topic of overt disagreement to be awkward, uncomfortable, and/or even distasteful, the fact remains that dissent, when handled well, can actually breed increased clarity, more innovative solutions and even stronger relationships, once resolution has been achieved.
by Dave Ulrich – Rensis Likert Professor, University of Michigan, Partner The RBL Group ([email protected]) and Wendy Ulrich – Founder, Sixteen Stones Center for Growth (wulrich@rbl.
In this thought-and-action-provoking LinkedIn article, Dave Ulrich – a thought-leader in the Human Capital Management space – shares how any aspiring talent, including you and your peers, can view conflict in a constructive way, providing 10 specific tips to do so.
As our coaches know, the longer a young professional like you works with others, the greater the number of challenging situations that potentially engender some type of conflict you will confront. Rather than shy away from these opportunities to negotiate solutions that benefit all participants, however, why not learn from and practice with our coaches to build skills in productively moving through – rather than avoiding – conflict? Doing so supports generations of strong self-esteem, greater relationship fulfillment and more collaborative, engaging outcomes for both you and the organizations in which you work.
For a short yet impactful read on negotiating through conflict, check out the “Bible of Negotiation,” Fisher and Uri’s internationally best-selling Getting to Yes. Here’s the: Amazon Link to Getting to Yes.
Wishing you a collaborative evening with friends, family and/or fur babies!